CASC Worship Team
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speaking about managing emotional business...

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speaking about managing emotional business... Empty speaking about managing emotional business...

Post  karen.cheung Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:53 pm

Hey guys.

So, this summer coming back home has been really rough and I am struggling to deal with everything

so.. :
1. please pray for God to just guide me during this difficult time.
2. please pray that I will not become any angrier and bitter, but that I will just let God heal me.
3. that I would just express what i'm struggling with instead of bottling it up to try and deal with it on my own.
4. that I would feel like CASC sees me as family even though I did not grow up in the church. and not be jealous of those who have.
5. CASC kids Very Happy

Posts : 31
Join date : 2008-06-23
Age : 34
Location : Earth

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