CASC Worship Team
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First prayer request of the season.

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First prayer request of the season. Empty First prayer request of the season.

Post  Timothy Weng Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:07 pm

I had an accident last week which caused some torn ligaments and or tendons in my right ankle. Normally, swelling and pain subsides or reduces after 3 days, but it's been almost a week and no signs of recovery or relief. I pray that the injury is of no necessity for any major surgery, treatment, etc.

On a more selfless note, let's pray for our congregation; that God would use the worship ministry to touch hearts and break bondages. that Sunday isn't just a day where a one feels convicted to be in the church building, but instead, one will have real communion with the Holy Spirit.

Timothy Weng

Posts : 22
Join date : 2008-06-10

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First prayer request of the season. Empty Re: First prayer request of the season.

Post  muriel burk Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:12 pm

Thanks for sharing your prayer request, Timmy. Will be praying for a complete and prompt recovery. Take it easy on that foot.

That's my prayer request for our church family as well. Let's all be in agreement. cheers

muriel burk

Posts : 88
Join date : 2008-06-07
Location : Naperville, IL

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