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tenant problems

muriel burk
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tenant problems Empty tenant problems

Post  muriel burk Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:07 pm

hey all,
please pray for keith and me. we have a townhouse that we rent out in aurora. these new tenants moved in the 2nd week of may. because they were in transition and living in a hotel, we felt bad for them and rushed through the process to rent our place to them. well, june 1st came and they couldn't pay the rent, and when they did, the check bounced. so we sent them a notice to pay or move out, and they kept coming up with excuses. july 1st came, and they gave us a check. when we went to their bank to cash it, we were told there wasn't enough to even cash out half of it. we had sent them a notice again giving them until the end of july to move out. they came back to us saying they're having their lawyer look at it! we were baffled! how could they afford a lawyer when they couldn't afford their rent? and what rights are they fighting for if they don't have the money to pay rent and don't see their obligation to move out?

i guess this is stressing us out because we don't have extra padding to let them stay for free while we fork out the mortgage. evictions take a long time and it's a painful process. please pray that these people move out quickly without putting up a fight and that we can find reliable tenants to replace them...sooner than later!

thanks for your prayers...

muriel burk

Posts : 88
Join date : 2008-06-07
Location : Naperville, IL

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tenant problems Empty Re: tenant problems

Post  Charles Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:35 pm

Hire Joshua. He has the build of a professional assassin. He'll kill them. No one will ever know.


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tenant problems Empty definately

Post  lingpiduh Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:59 pm

That's really sad how people will be so dishonest about things, but I will definitely keep you guys in our prayers.


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tenant problems Empty Pray and hire a good lawyer

Post  yushu Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:58 am


We will pray for you.

Unfortunately. This is not the first time that we heard about this kind of issue.

We encourage you to hire a lawyer to handle this.

Just have your lawyer sent them a letter. They will know that you are serious about your legal right for your house. You don't need to go through the emotional roller coaster for this.

You already shown a lot of grace on this for them.

We have a friend who does not like confronting people for what is right and legal for her. There is a person who lives in her house for almost free for more than a year. And my friend not only need to pay her morgage but also utility bills.

A Loving heart does not mean that you should allow people to abuse your legal right.



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tenant problems Empty Re: tenant problems

Post  poofdavie Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:24 pm

cant you take them to court, like what we see on TV? people's court with judge judy..
or something like that... then i'd see u on tv!'s 1/2 in jest..

i agree with what YuShu has said

is there a formal document/contract you guys made them sign?


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tenant problems Empty Re: tenant problems

Post  poofdavie Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:27 pm im irratated ...

i wish i was a lawyer! ...well im sure i could "pose" as one... throw in big words here and tehre, ask my laywer in training friend about some terms, some conditions
as long as you guys did have a contract stating their responsibility and their rent, etc.

i want to call them! so bad!


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tenant problems Empty Re: tenant problems

Post  poofdavie Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:45 am

any updates yet?


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tenant problems Empty Re: tenant problems

Post  Evelyn Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:05 am

That's totally wrong. I think the professional assassin idea works. It's not like you don't know where they live.

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tenant problems Empty Re: tenant problems

Post  muriel burk Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:10 pm

hey ya'll,
thanks so much for the encouragement and prayers. please continue to pray as the tenants really believe that they can stay on without paying rent. we did hire a lawyer (wish it was poofdavie), but he says the process takes awhile. meanwhile, the tenants insist their lawyers are reviewing everything and therefore are not putting money in the bank for us to cash their check.

our hope and trust is in God who can change the hearts of man. thanks for your continued prayers.

muriel burk

Posts : 88
Join date : 2008-06-07
Location : Naperville, IL

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tenant problems Empty Re: tenant problems

Post  poofdavie Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:14 pm

any luck/ updates on the situation?

what you COULD do..
is continually make them incurr overdraft fees
can u?

i wonder if that's possible


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tenant problems Empty Re: tenant problems

Post  muriel burk Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:44 pm

thanks for checking on the tenant situation. well, they are simply not responding so we have a court date set for early august. please pray that the judge will rule in our favor (i can't think of a reason why he wouldn't unless i'm not aware of some hidden law). the tenant can protest and ask for another trial to buy time, but please pray that they won't. we don't want to drag the process out.

i appreciate your continued prayers...

muriel burk

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Join date : 2008-06-07
Location : Naperville, IL

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tenant problems Empty Re: tenant problems

Post  poofdavie Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:47 pm

yea, this issue has def. still been on my mind.

I talked to someone else who is also in the real estate business...
said that he usually just gives them a notice 5 day eviction notice and then boots them out

did you guys mention eviction procedures in your contract that you guys signed with them?

you can just move them out and toss out their stuff


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tenant problems Empty Re: tenant problems

Post  muriel burk Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:51 am

we've heard the process is easy, yet we've also heard that judges tend to rule in favor of tenants for some odd reason. i guess they don't want to put people out on the streets. their attorney wants us to work it out with them if they pay up the back rent. we don't want to be unsympathetic but we also have to protect our family's best interest. may our righteous Judge provide justice for cheers us!

muriel burk

Posts : 88
Join date : 2008-06-07
Location : Naperville, IL

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