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Apartments and money and landlords, oh my!

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Apartments and money and landlords, oh my! Empty Apartments and money and landlords, oh my!

Post  Grace Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:01 pm

first of all.. wow.. this forum is pretty awesome.. i haven't had internet at my apartment in the city.. so i've been catching up on actual vocal communication as well as polishing some of my reading and hermitting skills
but i will have internet soon!

back to the prayer request...
so this whole moving thing has been quite a pain in my brain. The day my roommates and I moved into our old apartment we met one of the old tenants who gave us a million and one reasons why we shouldn't stay there.. including how bad the landlord is..... which we totally didn't know since this was our first apartment (yay college) and we didn't do things in order.. so we gave him lots and ltos of money for the security deposit and rent before signing the lease.. actually we've just moved out (thanks tim) and i still have not signed anything.. which is rather ridiculous.. but in any case.. we backed out of our somewhat verbal agreement to stay there for a year.. and he gave us a month so we could find a place and he could find tenants. Then a couple days into our month he sits us down and says he wants us out by the end of the week because there's people that want to move in.. to which we said.. "......" so we frantically search for a new apartment.. which I'm in now.. which is awesome... and we're like ok we'll be out by the 15th of june. and then the landlord is like oh um.. ok.. but i'll need to find tenatns.. and keep half of one of your month's rents for my inconvenience.. and we're like... don't you already have tenants?? and the answer was no... they weren't for sure.. but he told us he would look hard.. which he obviously isn't.. since we still have to pay the rent there including the rent in our new place.. so he's still getting money anyways. And one of the girls we had in our place found another place to live.. so now we are short one roommate... for the rest of june and july.. which stinks.. because then that means me and my roommate now will have to split the bill two way, instead of three..

Which is what this whole long winded story is leading to
please pray for me and my roommates and this landlord.. because it looks like we won't be getting any money back (or very little) and that would not be cool because we paid lots and lots of money.. and although money doesn't matter in the long run, it kind of does matter to us "poor" college students. And please pray that God will bless us with a roommate for the summer..
and that all this stress this is causing will transform into some sort of firey passion or dissolve into peace

we know the lord is good and He provides
but i'd also really appreciate it if you'd pray for us


amen and amen


Posts : 55
Join date : 2008-06-07

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Apartments and money and landlords, oh my! Empty wow

Post  Grace Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:01 pm

wow i am so sorry that is so ridiculously long


Posts : 55
Join date : 2008-06-07

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Apartments and money and landlords, oh my! Empty Re: Apartments and money and landlords, oh my!

Post  poofdavie Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:38 pm

oh my! this is very you guys have it documented somewhere how much you have in deposit, or how much deposit you guys paid? anyways, ill keep you in my prayers! im sure God will come thru for u!!

God hates unjust scales! i think it says that somewhere in proverbs. XD


how's ur new apt?


Posts : 69
Join date : 2008-06-09

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Apartments and money and landlords, oh my! Empty boop?

Post  Grace Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:24 am

It's quite nice...
God has provided us with a gorgeous place.. and we just installed internet today so I have internet!!!
woohoo praise the lawwd


Posts : 55
Join date : 2008-06-07

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